The different stages of the customer value journey explained
This is where a prospect knows that you exist. Potential customers have to know you exist first of all. This can be done through social media ads. They do not need to have the intention of buying but make sure to capture their attention in such a way that they will keep you in mind when they want to do so.
Now at this stage, your prospects know who you are and what you do. You have their attention. Start creating a relationship with them. For example, you can make a blog post detailing how they can use your product to solve a particular problem. Engagement happens throughout the customer value journey.
While engaging your prospects you should try and get their contact information for a more committed relationship. This can be done by offering something for free (ethical bribe) in exchange for them signing up for your newsletter.
At this point, the prospect has developed trust in you and believe you can solve their problem. Give them an entry-point offer. This could involve selling a product at a discounted price. The main aim here is not profitability but gaining a customer. Getting a new customer is this expensive.
At this point marketing tricks do not work. If your product or service is not great then you wasted time or money in the four steps above. At this point make your prospect realize they made the correct decision to choose your product or service. Give more value than what they expected, overdeliver.
At this point, your prospect is excited about you and believe you can offer the best product or service. At this point, you can upsell them. For example, offer them a custom service for them, offer to maintain a product they purchased from you. It is at this point when you start making a profit.
Now get your happy customers to get you more customers. Ask them to publicly review you(Do not be forceful on this). Ask them to recommend you to their friends.
Unlike the advocate stage, this is not passive. Here you give customers an incentive to bring customers to you. For example, Free credits if they get a friend to subscribe to your SAAS. Affiliate campaigns also belong to this stage.